Sunday, May 6, 2007

No Ball

Last Thursday, I was playing basketball, and, less than one minute into the game some bloke on the opposition connected his elbow with my face. The results were not pretty. My front tooth (which has previously had a filling) was knocked several centremetres inward; not a good look. I left the game (after my huge impact and everything) and Johanna was kind enough to take me to the dentist, despite the fact we had prior plans to go and see Spiderman 3 on opening night with her two brothers (Thank you, Jo).

$500, a bit of pain, and a set of braces (for the next eight weeks) later, and I am back to normal.. Well, at least my tooth has been placed in its correct alignment, anyway.

So that's it. No more basketball for the next week. I don't know how I'll go, I will concede it's going to be tough, and I don't even know if I'll hold out, but at this stage, I am determined. I want an opportunity to relax a little and let my tooth get a bit better. Following that, we'll see how we go and if I feel comfortable to get back out on the court. Of course, the last thing I want is to head out there and take another shot to the face. A) because - with braces - it'll hurt like a mother and B) because if my fragile tooth were to be re-arranged, then it would take me a while to forgive myself.

Then again ... I wouldn't mind taking a couple of shots....


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