Tuesday, September 18, 2007

An Unexpected Guest

So the other day, Johanna and I were walking home from another day at the office on our usual path.. On the way home, we noticed a stray dog wondering about. Johanna - ever the friendly one - suggested we stop to say hello.

I kneeled down and beckoned the dog to my side, which she did quite obediently. Upon closer inspection, it was clear that she was a beautifully healthy Border Collie. She was clean, well-groomed, young, of a healthy weight and (most importantly) dimeanor.

After having our brief greeting Joh and I decided to part our ways (we had melting ice cream in hand) and left. Our new friend had other ideas though, as she decided to follow us to my apartment. Being wanted certainly is an endearing quality, and the dog's loyalty & interest in us had won both our hearts. During the walk home, we bumped into my room-mate, Gareth.

Gareth himself is a lover of all things friendly; animals included. He decided as it dark outside and the dark coat covering the dog it was not safe for him to be roaming the streets freely. And so it was decided, we had an extra tennant for the night.

We got home and couldn't find any indicator that she was formally owned (i.e. a labelled collar), however she was clearly well-kept and obedient. Johanna affectionately and respectfully named her Ive II. Cute.

And so that was the activity of interest for the evening. Discussing the dog, playing with the dog, preparing food, trying to find his home. (In the end Gareth took her to the vet the following day, apparently the fourth time this year the dog had been caught roaming.. some people don't deserve dogs) etc. A fun night. She was most kind, and when Gareth prepared her bed in the corner she intuitively knew what was going on and acted accordingly by settling in for the night. So nice to observe.

Similar to her predecessor, Ive II hadn't quite cotton'd-on to the concept of 'fetch'. She did well up until the point of returning the ball. She seemed to think it her duty to hold-on and protect her 'treasure' rather than playing the game again. Humph!

Anyway, for your viewing pleasure I have included two pictures which Ive 2 happily posed for. Those of you who know Ive 1 may realise why I took such a quick liking to the girl. She certainly reminded me of an old friend.

Let me know your thoughts, please.


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